Jetafe is a port town on the northern coast, 92 kms. from the capital. It was only a strip of level land along the coast belonging to Inabanga. The rich fishing grounds in the shallow waters around the neighboring little islands attracted people from Cebu and other nearby places to settle on the strip of level land.The community grew and flourished but during the 18th century marauding muslims used to come to the place so the community transferred to the top of a hill so that they could watch the coming of marauders. The decision of the Spaniards to give them protection made them return to the old site.In 1874, this barrio which was once called Ambacon became a municipality and was named Getafe.

Municipal Officials: 2022-2025

Mayor : Camacho, Cary Monillas
Vice Mayor : Camacho, Casey Shaun Monillas
SB Members: : Botero, Ramel Tacatani
Mejias, Marcelino Cenita
Travero, Joseph Cecilio Villacrucis
Torremocha, Eduardo Angco
Abellar, Fidel Jr. Abais
Monillas, Mario Pogoy
Lugod, Prince Dayaw Gutierrez
Pogoy, Felipe Socias
ABC President :
SK President :

Facts and Figures:

24 (100%) Barangays Energized; 2,084 (67%) Number of House Connections; 3,126 Potential Connections

Location : Northern Coast of Bohol
Congressional District : 2nd District
Number of Barangays : 24 Barangays
Income Classification : 3rd Class
Ave. LGU Annual Income : P55,228,572.00
Total Municipal Land Area : 99.80 sq. kms.
Timberland Area : 3,381 hectares (Mangrove Area-3,381 Has.)
Alienable & Disposable (A & D) : None
Soil Cover : Bolinao Clay Batuan Faraon Complex
River Basins (Watershed Areas) : Dait RB
Population :

26,826 (2000)

27,852 (2007)

33,579 (2012 projected)

Average Population Growth Rate : 0.52 NSO Source
Total Number of Households : 5,230 (2007 Census NSO)
Major Industries : Farming, fishing
Literacy Rate : 86.56%
Higher Education Institutions : None
Number of Secondary Schools : 4
Number of Primary/Elementary Schools : 7 – 19
Language/Dialect : Boholano/Cebuano
Religion/Religious Affiliation (1990) : Roman Catholic (98.5%)
Main source of potable water : Groundwater
Water Supply : L1 , II, III
Potable Water Demand : 3,331 cum/d
Estimated Groundwater Recharge : 41,631 cu.m/d
Water Demand for Irrigation : 637 cu.m/d
Energization Status (as of CY 1999) : 17 (100%) Barangay Energized 1,929 (60%) HH connection
No. of HH w/ accessed to Sanitary Toilets : 2,754 (42.88% 2010)
Drainage and Sewerage System : None
Number of Barangay Health Stations : 7 (53%)
Number of Hospital : 1
Number of Municipal Health Center : 22
Number of Day Care Centers : 25
Carpable Areas : None
Total Road Length : 96.83 Kilometers
Total Number of Bridges : 9
Communication System : Globe Telephone
Official Website :